TEKNION | 2014
Livello is Teknion’s very successful range of height adjustable tables. This Bench project translates the freestanding table into a bench configuration.
The height adjustable bench is a thoughtful and integrated response to the growing market demand for a product of this sort. Our role was to partner with the Teknion design and engineering team to bring these existing tables into a complete and unified product.
The work centred on bringing the table actuators together in an integrated way that was not only visually balanced but also offered various materials and finishes and enabled intuitive wiring and installation.
The Livello™ Height-Adjustable Bench provides each user individual control of their work and movement. A wide product scope allows sit/stand height adjustability to be easily integrated in bench planning environments.
Please note that all intellectual property rights of the products shown or detailed here are owned by or licensed to TK Canada Limited.